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Transformation Storyboarding

We invite you to VUKA – With a K (African Zulu word meaning Wake or Arise) – A great and unique response to the VUCA phenomenon for the post Covid world!

“Unleash Individual, Team,  Organisational and Societal (ITOS) wisdoms and enable alignment through Transformation Storyboarding”

Stan Horwitz

“A uniquely South African innovation designed for organisations globally at a time when it is most needed”

Stan Horwitz


Story telling has deep roots steeped in many traditions. For centuries stories have been a cornerstone for the transmission of cultures, values and systems of governance from one generation to the next. Carefully told wisdoms have been shared and passed on through ancient, well established techniques. Wisdom and learning have been shared with love, passion, care and deeply embedded value systems.

Globally and in Africa, with the advent of our VUCA and our modern, fast paced technologically disruptive, impatient, complex society, this age-old tradition has all but been lost. Story telling is seldomly applied and certainly has never been restored to its previous status.

Transformational storyboarding™ TS is a unique process for unlocking Individual, Team and Organisational wisdoms for and in any transformation journey. As part of their Knowledge Management strategies, most business / organisation  systematically invest in state-of-the-art digital and Cloud technologies. These ICT “systems” purport to enable better management of data, information and achieve business integration. “Digital transformation” is insufficient in and of itself. ERP, cloud-based systems, Knowledge Management Systems and others have proven to disappoint. They produce data and information. They produce reports, but not learning. They store knowledge but not wisdom. They embed “best practice processes” but not “best practice wisdoms”.

Knowledge Management further involves leaders rediscovering the benefits and pleasures of telling rich stories. Leaders in the context of Transformational storyboarding™, are defined as “anyone who has a story to tell”. Real knowledge management must include the management of the tapping into and recording individual and collective wisdoms and lessons learnt and transmitting these from generation to generation. This has been hard to achieve given that most leaders have, by and large, lost touch with their own memories, oral traditions, wisdoms that collectively formed the very history and growth of their organisations.

Many a storyteller’s role is in fact much deeper than the mere sharing of knowledge, data, information, values and behaviours. In some profound way, good storytellers are able to tap individual and collective sub-consciousness. Through Transformational Storyboarding™, spiritual wisdoms are tapped. These spiritual wisdoms are the only true vehicle for achieving real individual and organisational transformation. The art of Transformational Storyboarding™ is one that can be learnt by and from each storyteller. Every storyteller is invited to embark on this innovative personal and organisational transformational journey. Transformational Storyboarding™ methodology utilises a detailed structured framework.

The Workshop Includes

  • Introduction to the methodology
  • The art of storyboarding
  • The storyboarding transformers tapping and unlocking individual and collective sub-consciousness spiritual wisdoms
  • Identification of Individual and collective learning and wisdoms and alignment at Individual and Team Levels
  • Capturing workshop outcomes
  • Integration and alignment of story wisdoms to organisational values / strategic Purpose
  • Publishing spiritual wisdoms as part of the organisational transformational journey

Outcomes of these workshops in several noted organisational benefits including:

  • Understanding and appreciation of authentic and sustainable Diversity and Inclusion
  • Improved communications and alignment
  • Culture changes
  • Shared and aligned values and behaviors with those of the team / organisation
  • Increased self-understanding and understanding of others
  • Development of a common cultural and transformative framework
  • Shared transformation processes
  • Integrated knowledge management
  • Change and transformation vehicle used to unlock wisdom
  • Published results of collective wisdom
  • Reduced politicking
  • Skills transfer and capacity building

Train The Trainer for Transformation Storyboarding

There are three alternatives for organisations:

  1. HR Network runs the Transformational Storyboarding workshops online with our client AND / OR
  2. We then train and accredit your TS Facilitator (TSF)* team through a TTT to facilitate the programme internally AND
  3. We License the organisation annually and the accredited TS Facilitators who have been through steps 1 and 2 above to use the TS Approach.

As part of the License, we also provide a monthly coaching session to the Client TS Facilitators and provide ongoing support through the TS Community of Practice Whatsapp Group

*TS Facilitators (TSF) can include HR / OD Professionals, L&D Specialists, HRBP’s, Senior Facilitators, Senior Line Managers. Change Ambassadors (with potential) 

This process ensures skills transfer thereby reducing the costs and reliance on external support. As part of the programme, Stan Horwitz meets monthly with the programme team and guides / coaches them through their programme implementation as they roll out within the organisation.  Updates are also provided, and facilitators share their implementation experiences.

Your investment for the TTT4 x 2 to 3 hour On-Line Micro Learning, practice and assessment sessions per Group

The TSFs are prepared on how to:

  • Tell their stories through Transformational Storyboarding™
  • Facilitate workshops (for the MF’s)
  • Collate outcomes
  • Integrate outcomes with the organisation’s TS Map and strategic objectives
  • Publish wisdoms internally reinforcing the transformation journey and agenda
  • Measure impact on Diversity, Inclusion and Alignment
  • Measure individual and organisational transformation

Enquire & Book Today