Change Management: People and behaviour
Change Is Necessary for Survival in the Business World of Complexity
The challenge lies in making the change happen and taking the uncertainty out of the equation by balancing the risk, which is where HRNetwork comes in. We’re experts in Change Management Consulting and we can help you balance your risk with your reward.
Changing the way that things have always been done is often easier in principle than in practice, especially when it comes to effecting change at an organisational level. In business we might have been taught not to fix what isn’t broken and employees may be thoroughly set in their ways, but it is only through implementing change, that organisations can grow and go on to achieve bigger and better things.
Organisational development is a key specialty of company founder and Master OD Practitioner, Stan Horwitz, who has developed a custom change management toolkit and strategy that enables organisations to create effective organisational development strategies that make the most of their human resources and cultivate an ethos of change management through effective mentoring and business coaching processes.
While HRNetwork designs specific partnering approaches based on clients’ future anticipated needs, we primarily follow two of our own tried and tested unique, home grown methodologies (backed with tools and techniques).
Our Change Management Consulting services encompass
Transformational Storyboarding
A unique, powerful approach exclusive to HRNetwork. This leading edge approach is for organisations or teams dealing with small and large scale change. This Change Management Consulting service is for organisations trying to make sense of complexity. The approach enables individual, team and organisational transformational alignment. Making conscious strategic sense of cycles and patterns, wisdom and consciousness is a hallmark of this rich approach. The approach taps internal wisdoms, builds alignment across perceived differences and impacts the unfolding and emerging systems’ business strategies
Navigating the Waves of Change
This approach was designed for the more structured organisation who are planning change processes through programmes and projects of change. The approaches integrate well with Project Management as a means of effecting planned, systemic change projects across systems, process and people.