Has the global Supply Chain collapsed?
By: Stan Horwitz – 16 March 2019
Shortages in most goods are visible on the empty shelves in stores
These are not a result of challenges of supply but rather are attributable to consumers’ psychological fear which has driven unprecedented demand. Conversely, in other industries, demand is in absolute decline. In the absence of any immediate solutions, global markets bled a further 10% today creating absolute chaos for stocks, currencies and jobs.
So what? This too will end. We all instinctively know this. The problem is WHEN?
I, for one, would like to hear more about what leaders, in all spheres, are doing to find CURES to the Corona Virus itself. Have any of you got news on what scientists and leading medical companies are actually doing? Surely with all our AI, quantum-computing, Nanotechnology, biotechnology etc, we should focus on sharing news of any work being done seeking collaborative solutions?
Stronger together
Together we are so much more… We are humanity. Supply chain has not collapsed and neither will we. Please share your comments and knowledge of innovations and collaborative efforts that are working together to develop cures. Let’s share these innovations and spread positive viral messages of hope.
New York Post : First coronavirus vaccine trial set to begin in the US.